Quentin Meyer
Dr Quentin Meyer defended his PhD in Advanced Diagnosis for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells in 2015 with an Award for Research Excellence (University College London, London UK). After a post-doctoral position in 3-D imaging of hydrogen fuel cells in University College London, he relocated to Australia in 2017 and joined Prof Zhao’s group as senior post-doctoral researcher and laboratory manager (>20 people) in the University of New South Wales (Sydney, Australia) in 2018. His research topics deal with electrocatalysis of complex reactions, focusing on the structure-to-performance relationships, investigating the activity and durability of low-cost electro catalysts for fuel cell and electrolyser applications. Until February 2023, he has published 52 journal articles, filed 1 patent, and given over 25 communications in national and international conferences and 10 invited seminars.