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Ankhara Akeru




🌬Breath Master 🍄Psilocybin Integration Mentor 🪲Meta-Physician⚓️Ankh Alchemist ✳️Psychedelic Moderator/Educator Current offering: 🍄Cosmic Key Maker Mentorship program A 3 month virtual container designed to educate participants in how to safely and effectively guide others in the Psychedelic journey I AM 🗣Founder of Psilocypher Sessions 🛸Creator of Ancient Future Tools ☄️Star Seed 🌠Cosmic Key Maker🌁World Bridger 🧿Codeologist I TEACH 🍄Leaders how to hold space, integration techniques and the benefits of micro/macro dosing and mycology 🗣I would appreciate being featured in your Clubhouse room or podcast 🏆Psilocypher Sessions made Clubhouse history by offering the first 24 hour Integration room.