Priyanka Raha
🍎EdTech founder. Product Manager. Board Member. Speaker. Writer. Software Engineer. 💫Currently working at the intersection of technology and education to drive engaged learning for early childhood learners. CEO at PopSmartKids 🕸 🪄‘Technology is like a magic wand and like all wands the outcome depends on what you do with it.’ ♣️🏠 Upcoming events: 💫Passionate about empowering tech-ready citizens 👩🏽💻& building innovative tech products. 💫Frequent speaker on tech equity, managing screentime for children and entrepreneurship. 💫BoardMember DottieRoseFoundation. Working on supporting girls’ education in STEM💻 💫Featured in Geekwire Geek of the week. 💫Former TEDxYouth organizer 💫Purdue MBA LinkedIn: /priyankaraha 📧 [email protected] I write to meditate. ThriveGlobal contributor. Currently working on a children’s book📕 Mama to 🧒🏽👦🏽 Food and cooking are my love languages🥘 Seattle is home now. Lived and worked in 12 different cities across 3 continents 🌏