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Patricia Pollard




I am a woman of God. I am a servant of the most high god. I love the lord with all my heart. I am a helper and a watchman in his house. My goal is to see more people serve the lord. I'm on the battle field for the lord. I thank him for the challenge that he have put on my heart to go out and feed the homeless were I can let them know they are not alone . God sit high and he look low he never a sleep. What ever we going through he already know. With a spiritual mind and heart we kind do all thing not some but all thing. I have taking on with a church in Ethiopian to help with a family there and the lord have bless me to do just that. The bible say what you do in secret I will reward you openly. Matt 6-4 When you read my bio I hope it in courage you to do even more. Be bless $patriciapollard58
