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Zach Lewis




Learning and Doing the Better 🇧🇲Thing. 🍏🙏🏾 📚Join Daily Your Bible and You Lesson study 7am EST/6amCST 💕being a Love people because I Love God Christian My Jesus Life principles Matthew 7:12 Treat people like you wish they would treat you. Luke 23:34 People need space to grow and examples of unconditional love. Be the example, ✅ Forgive first , because some people don’t know the impact of their choices and actions. 🥳Sharing joy and smiles 😊 be positive 👩‍🌾Nature lover, Bird watcher, Gardening 🧑‍🍳cooking plant based 🥗 🎨Aspiring Creative: drawing/painting/coloring, crafts, 🎬working on a screenplay about Job with Reversed roles wife is the main character and her female friends. 👨‍💻Tech Nerd Developer/CyberSec/DevSecOps CISSP, CSSLP, SparkAR/Oculus/Unity/ GODOT/Blender VR/AR/MR, Cloud AWS/Azure/IBM Redshift, AI/Robotics and more 2021 Startup Projects Local Plant 🪴 based meal kit delivery 📦 Service