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Portia Mohau




*Slave of Jesus Christ *Souls for Jesus🩸❤️ *Life Coach *Spiritual Life Mentor *Entrepreneur *Student of the Bible *Learner *YouTube: @myjourneyfromdarknesstolight/@Portia Mohau “To make Jesus known effectively is to first seek and pray for Wisdom, Knowledge, Understanding, Discernment and Patience. And to Know that’ You duty is to glorify God in all you say and do But Not yourself!” - By word and deed you are able to win a soul over. - Be humble not boastful. You did nothing to save yourself. “Saved by Grace through Faith in Christ alone…..”Ephesians 2:8-9 God’s will prevails in everything. Because all happens according to the counsel of His Will Ephesians1:11 BE HUMBLE❤️🙏🏽BE KIND AND LOVE SOULS GENUINELY😇