#LLJUNGLEBABYQUEZ🦍💯💯 #LLFLEXCITYSTREETS🌉💪🏽 STRIPSHITSECTION8 E🅱️K DUMBASS NORTH AMERIKA BITCH 🇺🇸📍🏃🏾💨💥🔫 #REALSECTION8SHIT is my shit I run it 🏚✳️ Pop Shotta Da Head Honcho Da Don Dada 💥🔫 Ex D1 football player until my knee injury 🏈 Diagnosed wit messatheeliohmah and entitled to legal compensation Proud Deadbeat Of 5 👨👧👦 Beat Covid 6x even an STD can’t take a nigga down I Can’t Follow Niggaz Like My Knees Weak #ISAYWHATIWANTIMSECTION8BITCH🗣 Gods gift to erry bitch on this planet I’m just a 30 second Snapchat rapper come fw it $NumeroNueve09 #EATDATPUSSYBLAWD #ONMAMAS #PIPESUMNDOWN #KEEPIT5HARRIETSMAYNE #FoDemGreenThangzk #DKLILTAYSMURK