Allison Mackey
CEO and Founder of Orchid Noir ® / Pop of Confetti @shoporchidnoir @popofconfetti_ I’m a multi disciplinary creative 🎨 Mom, Wife, Syracuse MBA 🍊 Former Fintech Product Manager I help women accessorize for the life they want to live ✨ I help under represented women showcase their art to the world, and support their families through their talents✨ I specialize in 💫Accessories 💫Product Creation 💫Product Sourcing 💫Buying and Selling Wholesale Sweat pants your new normal? Need style edit? Grab my FREE e-book Top 5 Style Secrets to Working From Home ⬇️ Text Me: (804) 294-0050 to connect! I’m here to learn, serve, network, and collaborate Seeking Brand Ambassadors