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شما همون پ صدا کن عزیز😉 Low Profile & almost off the grid📵 No Facebook, No Instagram, No Twitter, No Telegram, No Linkedin, nothing but Club 'n Whats 11sep1991 Private Contractor 3rd party enterprise Ex-QRF Executive Asset CryptoTrading, Co-Authoring, MetalCrafting Classic Vehicle Restomoding & Restoration Real Estate & Construction, Architecture, Interior Design & Industrial Design [CAD,SOLID,RHINO,3DMAX, Etc.] M.A degree of English Litreture at Cambridge University & O.R and Logistics engineering at IUST & Tehran University Straight, Gentle, Loyal Pleasure Provider to Ladywoods Dominance & Caring Cars, Lust, Forex, Books and Beer😏 گفتی اسرار درمیان آور، کو میان؟ 👇👇👇 🩹♥️👑💎🕯🤵🏳🤝📝🧠📚🎨🔧🏗📈🧰💰🛵🚘🧳✈🌙🌇🏞🏕🎼🎬⚜🧨🐇🧲👠🐆🍑😈🍻👅💧👙🍼😋🌡🌶💆‍♀️🤼‍♂️🌵🔥🛏🛢🩸🧻🤤🚬🙏💋🌹💊 من همونم که اول قلب ♥️ بودم بعد دست و پا دراوردم Whtsp:+989332899299