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Sunny 蓓明




As a holistic lifestyle mentor, I guide highly sensitive people in life transitions to TUNE-up & CLEAN-up and SPEAK-up. Celebrate self with Awareness 😇 Good Habits🌱and Love ❤️ No Matter What! Speaker/Bestseller Author/Tiny Habits Coach🌱🧬😇Gene keys Guide/ “Happy For No Reason” Certified Trainer/Ho’oponopono Certified ✨”Yesterday I was smart so I wanted to change the world. Today I am clever so I am changing myself.”✨Rumi ~Earth Life Credibility~ 👩🏻‍🔬BS Microbiology 👩🏻‍🔬MS Molecular Biology 👩🏻‍🏫IST certification Instructional Design/Adult Learning ❤️‍🩹Professional Caregiver 🌱Tiny Habits Certified 🧬 Official Gene Keys Guide 🌞 Certified Trainer for“Happy For No Reason” ❤️Ho’oponopono Certifed 🎙DTM Distinguished Toastmaster Find me at LinkedIn: 我是孫蓓明來自台灣高雄。美國分子生物🧬/微生物🦠碩士,作者,演講者, Tiny Habits 認證敎練, 專業家護caregiver,基因密碼Gene Keys Guide導引者& 無因快樂訓練家Happy For No Reason Trainer 融合強靭生命力及創造力,幫助我在東西文化交流的過程中,找到生命的意義: 用現代科學及古老中國文化為別人在人生路上點一盞燈!🌄 我用中華傳統文化精髓,現代科技的突破發展,加上我的實際生活體驗,鼓勵中年人一起健康快樂人生行🌱❤️😇🌞 歡迎和我連絡 生活方式是未來的最佳良藥💊 Lifestyle is the future medicine Bilingual: 🇺🇸 English 英文 US🇹🇼 Chinese 中文 Taiwan
