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Piranto Ole Mosiany




Beepreneur Ou mission is to make available our natural honey to the world 🌎 Founder and CEO Narropil Honey Enterprises, a beekeeping startup in the Laikipia drylands, Kenya. Love training on bio-enterprises(using locally available natural resources) #Narropil (Maasai for aromatic-as in its natural form) is just what we offer! Our honey is natural and of very high quality-packed with natural healthy properties that promotes good health, well-being and safety of our clients- not adulterated in anyway whatsoever. We create employment opportunities and wealth for over 500 local women and youth in a remote location in Kenya. We offer a wide range of bee products including: Honey Bee Venom Propolis Bee pollen Royal jelly Bee wax Traveled Traveled to Egypt as the Nile Project Fellow 2016 Goal @ Clubhouse # Share our vision on bee🐝 & environment protection. #Looking to fundraise $100k #Network and connect with the 🌎 #LEARN AND EARN! For more info Please contact me: [email protected] WhatsApp +254 713 227 238 Thanks much. Piranto Ole Mosiany Founder and CEO Narropil Honey Enterprises