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Krystal Davis




🔥I am THE peddler of positivity! I’m a Mindset Motivator and “I’m Delicious!” (Ask me why! It’s a self-esteem thing!) Above all else, I AM a child of God! 🇺🇸US Army Veteran 🖋Founder of Positivity Peddlers Club! TikTok: @cre8iveteach 👦🏾👧🏾Mother of 2 adult children Bonus mom to 3 adult children 👧🏼👧🏼👦🏿 👩🏾‍🏫Pre-Algebra Teacher 🎼Creator and Innovator 🎓BS in Psychology 📜Alternative certification in Education with specialization in the following: • Core subjects grades 4-8 (English, Math, Science, and Social Studies) •Special Education •GT (gifted and talented) •ESL (English as a Second Language). ⭐️It is my ultimate goal to sow value into as many people as I can through love and positivity!⭐️ 🏆For parents of children with special needs: Do not hesitate to DM me with any questions. If I am unable to provide a solution, I will help you find one! 🙏🏽My personal affirmation: My future is not in front of me, it is inside of me. Everything that I need to be successful, God has already given me. He will continue to supply my needs according to His riches and glory. I am productive. I am creative. I am blessed. I am loved. I am a child of God and He is pleased with me. 🖤 @firstnoteplay
