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Patricia Garland




Patricia is a wife of 47 years a mother Author of Kingdom Woman Discover Your Mandate Mantle and Ministry CEO MyGloryHair CEO 5Star Kingdom Woman Global LLC an apostolic prophetic pioneer forerunner trendsetter impacting the kingdom Apostle/Prophet Patricia is a visionary leader and a certified christian life coach and International coach. Most importantly she is a servant of God. She also founded a para-ministry, Christian Dominion Ministries, along with her husband, Pastor Bobby Garland. Ministering together for over 35 years, this dynamic duo exudes the anointing and mantle of a modern day Priscilla and Aquila bringing restoration to broken marriages and families. Patricia is under the leadership of Apostle John and Prophetess Wanda Eckhardt at Crusaders Church in Chicago, IL. She has a genuine love and compassion for lost souls and evangelism. She is truly known as a woman that walks in the love of God, character and integrity. Patricia has a heart to see people healed, delivered and set free. Patricia has a special grace to resuscitate, restore, and reset other relationships back to God.  Patricia is a motivational and international speaker she has ministered in South Africa Zimbabwe China India China and Germany and several cities and states.