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Pat Elsmie




🌎🌏🌍 🇹🇹🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Multi-careerist. (Then again, I have lived!) Human rights. Compassion. One World. Life. Openness. Humility. Hope. *** We did not know then. We know now. It’s right to change. *** Founder Host of @LU_TIOW LookUp, THIS is our World — News with a climate edge! Saturdays, Mother Earth First club: 1700BST Feb-May2022 *** We are where we are because of where we’ve been. Where we go now is up to us. We can choose the shape of Tomorrow, today, now. It starts with me/you/us. **** Our world faces “an immense cultural challenge. It means giving priority to the common good, and it calls for a change in perspective, a new outlook, in which the dignity of every human being, now and in the future, will guide our ways of thinking and acting.” In climate change/health/food/ migration “crises” we must “act in a more responsible, consistent manner toward a *culture of care* for our common home; work tirelessly to eliminate *the seeds of conflicts*: greed, indifference, ignorance, fear, injustice, insecurity and violence” (Pope Francis on BBC Radio 4, 29/10/21) *** Human life is grounded in three fundamental and closely intertwined relationships: with God, with our neighbour and with the earth itself. (Laudato Si’, 66) *** To call myself beloved, to feel myself beloved on the earth. (Raymond Carver) ⏳ In Search of Meaning (Frankl) No Man is an Island (Merton) 🌱 Thoughts that preoccupy me: Public or LIFE principles?? *** Mission Economy (Mariana Mazzacuto writes on changes needed inside governments and public-private relationships to make ‘stakeholder’ capitalism real.) 🚥🚥🚥 An Insider’s Perspective By CAI XIA, former professor at the Central Party School of the Chinese Communist Party. ->> **** ‘吾曹不出, 奈蒼生何’ ‘If people like me do not take a stand, what hope is there for our fellows?’ Rural destitution is a widespread and crushing reality; greater support through public policy initiatives is essential. Without major changes, half of China will be stuck in what is little more that a pre-modern economic state. (Xu Zhangrun, 2021)