Pam Fox Rollin
Executive advisor and facilitator for leadership teams in healthcare and tech - corporate, fast-growth, and NGOs. 🙌🪴🎉 Let’s talk leading and teaming in ways that make good stuff happen: great products, sustainable practices, and people who are alive. 👋 Hi/Hola to podcasters, B Corps, medtech, biotech, digital health ❓Here to connect, help, learn, and stir up more goodness on this 🌏 📍🇺🇸 Based in Silicon Valley. Work with the world. Colegas queridas en 🇪🇸 🇨🇴 🇲🇽 🇵🇪 🇨🇦 🇬🇧 🇮🇳. ♣️ Join us at club: People. Convos. Results. 🎙📣💡 Glad to guest on podcasts on leadership, 🖤inclusion, collaboration, OKRs, teams, org change and culture, strategy, etc. 🔖📜👩🏻🎓 Stanford MBA and Public Mgmt. Certified in Organizational Coaching with Institute for Generative Leadership. Executive Guide at Chief. Transforming leadership and workplace conversations with 📕🕺🏽💃🏽 Author, 42 Rules for Your New Leadership Role: The manual they didn’t hand you when you made VP, Director, or Manager. 💟✡️☮️ Mom of teens who are long-time free-range learners. Passionate about peace, health equity, 🐈 🐈⬛, tikkun olam, non-violent communication, anti-racism and anti-ageism, food and air quality justice, circular everything, yoga, birth choices, ethical use of Enneagram and Myers-Briggs, and commas. Regrettably rusty polyglot. Foodie gardener growing 🥒 🍅🥬🧅🫑. She/Her. 🥕🌳👨🏽🍼Have served on non profit boards, advisory boards, and leadership roles in food banks, voter education, kids + environment, and childbirth and early childhood. Always glad to help community-based nonprofits! Here are some resources I’ve found useful for Spanish Learning