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Paige Parsons Roache




V🌱Producer/Connector Let’s all be IMPACTORS & COMPOSTERS 🖤Amplify Black, Brown, LGBTQIA+, Asian & marginalized Voices! I’m listening to you... ✨❤️I love connecting like-minds and hearts to collaborate & create! I’m powered by plants. My life’s purpose is to fight for the rights of other sentient beings, humans and animals. Watch our show Plant Based in the ‘Burbz on UnchainedTV ~ News Network DOWNLOAD the FREE APP ‼️ WWW.THECOWINTHEROOM.ORG WHAT? 87% of GHG Emissions caused by Animal Agriculture? Discuss with PhD Dr. Sailesh Rao, founder of Climate Healers: Signed the Plant Based Treaty yet? More about me: ✳️Moderator: Let’s collaborate! ⏰Join clubs: 📣The SOLUTIONAIRES CLUB 🍉PLANT BASED IN THE ‘BURBZ 🍎PLANT BASED FOOD + WELLNESS 🍆7 yr.Vegan/Plant Based Lifestyle/ IT’S ABOUT ETHICS & EQUITY 💡Dismantling RACISM/Anti-Racist 🌅I acknowledge that the land I reside and work on is the traditional territory of Chumash & Micqanaqa’n, known as Agoura Hills, CA, USA ✨On a Spiritual Journey Elevation 🎥Comm Director/Producer for UnchainedTV: w/award winning journalist/NYT best seller Jane Velez-Mitchell IG: @plantbasedintheburbz IG: @unchained_tv 🎤Let’s Chat on IG live Tuesdays at 11:30am PT 🎬Producer/Co-Host of the “Plant Based In the ‘Burbz” cooking show 🎙Speaker & Educator 🔌PR & Marketing/Connector 🌱Fighting for Environmental Food Justice & Food Worthiness ☮️Animal Rights Activist 🌍Activist for the PLANET 🌈Supportive of LGBTQIA+ 🎞Watch: COWSPIRACY, THE INVISIBLE VEGAN, SEASPIRACY, WHAT THE HEALTH, THEY’RE TRYING TO KILL US, COUNTDOWN TO YEAR ZERO, PEACEABLE KINGDOM, THE END OF MEDICINE, A PRAYER FOR COMPASSION 🌅Suicide Awareness Advocate/Mental Health Warrior 💧Climate Healer 🤍She/her/hers pronouns ☀️Sober 10 + years 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨Mama of two in their twenties 📚Homeschooled for ten years. One Valedictorian, one with Traumatic Brain Injury. Both at Universities currently. 😇Homebirthed ✨Led by spirit 🎶Billie Eilish, Greta Thunberg & Genesis Butler are changing paradigms of youth & adults! Resources: @vincentschilling, Food Empowerment Project, @iyebako, Nutritionfacts.Org,Switch4Good.Org, @queerbrownvegan, V.A.A.O., Encompass,, “The Cheese Trap” by Dr. Neal Barnard, Check out @tarvaresteaches @chefbabette @byanygreensnecessary @domzthompson @drmiltonmills @agfairnessalliance @badassvegan