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patricia hodge




Patricia Hodge Cannabis Patient Consultant, Cannabis Broker, Advocate for sickle cell patients. Graduate of Cannabis Training University Graduate of Wakanna University Graduate of Cannabis Career Institute. Graduate of University of Technology and Management. Rodale Institute Master Certified in the cannabis area of Distributor, Certification, Infusions, Laws,Regulations, Identify cannabis as medical and or recreational. Cannabis delivery service operation. A Patient of Pa Medical Marijuana Program. A Certified and Registered Pa Medical Marijuana care giver in Philadelphia Pa. Pround member of :DACO Diasporic Alliance for Cannabis Opportunity @wearedaco Retired Army Veteran. Wounded Warrior Retired LawEnforcement. BS Criminal Justice. Founder Member and Business Owner of Cannabis online dispensary: Founder Non Profit 501 c(3) XclusiveWellnessINC Community Service Network center. Dedicated to helping veterans in need threw the healing property’s of cannabinol.