David Noah
للأسف معظم وغالبية الباحثين بمختلف مناهجهم وفهمهم للحياة يظنون انهم يمتلكون حقيقة الأشياء وينفون افكار الٱخرين والقلة القليلة من كل ايديولوجية اومنهج او فكر خاص هم من يحترمون الٱخر ولا يقللون منه وهكذا هم من يتطورون ويخترقون المراحل المتقدمة من الوعي الإنساني .... The Owl "The owl, with its silent flight and piercing gaze, reminds us to embrace the wisdom within and to see beyond the illusions of the physical world." 26 "The number 26 holds great power and potential in spiritual numerology. It represents creativity and self-expression, as well as leadership and authority. It is also a number of service and sacrifice, encouraging spiritual growth and enlightenment. Embrace the energy of the number 26 and unlock the secrets of the universe." The Alef "The Alef represents the mystery of the Divine, transcending the limitations of the physical world and connecting us to the infinite and unknowable nature of God. It is the source of all other letters and holds the key to understanding the mysteries of the universe." https://t.me/nofood26