Oni Inuki
They say your past impacts your future and how people perceive you. But in that the same sentence don’t believe history effected our future. Red lining- existed so black people were unable to receive loans due to their completion Reason why there are not many black home/business owners. It was so bad they offered these loans to Asians if they had promised to open their businesses in black communities. Which created friction in relationships. Till today you see Asians owning black beauty product stores in predominately black neighborhoods. Black owners who try to own a hair beauty store are usually charged more for merchandise, making their retail prices higher than their Asian counterparts. This leads to little to no customers at all. Forcing them to close. This is what systemic racism looks like. This is why black people cry and plead for grants to be given the same opportunities that were taken away from them due to their color. Too long we dealt with equality. We deserve the equity that was stolen. You can’t expect black people to be successful in equality, when at first white people had equity. It’s like band-aiding their passive aggressive hate for us to succeed with the word “equality”. When so much was taken before equality existed and we still suffer with higher loan rates and more. Can you ask yourself have you ever fantasized wanting to live as an actual black person? Where struggle has to be glamorized and loved JUST to get through your life and day to task. And knowing you have to work 10x harder to prove yourself because they ‘assume’ you got their job cause your “black” and reaching “status quo” or your “black” so you have to be to dumb so you have to prove you deserve the job more than the person who got a full free ride to college from their parents bank account. Barely passes college, and got their job from a parent/parent friend or some bs. While they are riding in that car their parents got them and you’re working going to school and riding the T. There’s a reason why there’s a dunk donuts in black neighborhoods and Starbucks in predominantly white ones. That’s all I’m saying. I ain’t gonna: Respond. Follow. Make my page public. Or get off my mic if I don’t feel like it. The entitlement to strangers is a weird culture to have. Remove me. 😚