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MaryHalima Fleming




Soul Purpose Acceleration Coach, Sufi Spiritual Healer/Teacher ,πŸ–πŸΏπŸ€šπŸ½. Know your purpose, lessons, gifts and talents as written in your soul and encoded in your hands, before you were born! 😍 SUFI spiritual healingπŸ’Žβ€οΈ lead from your passion, easily release any and all barriers to that ✨✨✨✨ Soul acceleration coaching πŸ¦‹ sets you on course for embodying the highest knowing and vision 🀩 you need to finally manifest your divine destiny. 🌈 Find me at: Burned πŸ”₯my corporate suit and heels πŸ‘ in a barrel in Times Sq in March 2001 and have never looked back! πŸ’ͺ🏽 Claim your Sovereignty, Passion and Purpose and experience more JOY, LOVE, abundance, fulfillment, health, creativity, fun, holiness, & happiness ❀️