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Olga Brooks




To the clubhouse: I do not give my consent to use my voice, image or my content for any and all purposes. My Instagram account is hacked. If you follow me at TheReturnLLC I have a new account The Return To My Feminine Self. Report The Return LLC before you unfollow. 🙏 🇷🇺 Boston based Rapid Transformation Therapy practitioner. 🌌Quantum Energy Healer. Sound Reiki healer. Traditional Reiki. Shamanic wisdom healer. I restore your energetic field from all negative influences, past and present, to the state of flow and from there all changes begin. I survived stroke & divorce. 🎬 Actress fluent in Russian C.P. Casting student Boston Writing a pilot for tv show 🥋 Black belt in Kenpo Karate. My Senseis are professor Rocky DiRico, GM Bill Wallace Super Foot, Christine Bannon Rodrigues 🌺 I have been mentored by Forbes Riley, Shanda Sumpter, Marisa Peer, Marie Forleo 📚 Co-author the book series “A Journey Of Riches. Master your mindset” 📚Co-author of the bestselling book “Transform Trauma. Inspirational stories” 📚 Co-author of an international bestseller 1Habit book. How to thrive in a post-Covid world. 📚Co-author of an international bestseller “Pay it forward series. Notes to my younger self” volume 3. 🎤Speaker @ Life Service Center of America, LLC (LSCOA) 🌺 Member @ The Mentors Studio 🎤WYN conference speaker Host of two summits “Rediscover your feminine wisdom and inner powers within. Become whole, happy and free” ✍️Published in Wow magazine. ✍️Former Global uplifter editor at The Future of PR Come and join me at Forbes Riley’s pitch masterclass every Sunday 5 pm Eastern time. Sign up at ☕️ lover ♐️ Mental Projector with splenic authority ⭐️ Seed. ⛷🏇🎨🖋🤗🧚‍♀️🎸🎵🎤🥋📚🦔🦊🐿🐇🐕‍🦺🐈🌳