Simon Javan Okelo
💬 ✊🏿It's time to change the narrative about Africa. "Until the lion tells the story, the hunter will always be the hero."- African Proverb 💥My mission on Clubhouse is to promote a fresh narrative about the African and African American experiences globally. _______________________________________ Clubhouse Room _______________________________________ Daily African Proverbs on Clubhouse at 6:00 am PST in the African Father In America club. Proud girl dad, entrepreneur, storyteller, musician, and media creator. 📍Seattle 🇰🇪 🎙 Host of the African Father in America podcast. 🎥Documentary director/producer 🎶I play Nyatiti, an eight-string traditional music instrument played by the Luo people around Lake Victoria. _______________________________________ Founder _______________________________________ 🌍One Vibe Africa One Vibe Africa creates a liberated African narrative through collaboration among Africans “at home” and in the diaspora. Starting with the youth, we generate a future for Africa through cultural events, video content, education, music, and the arts. 🎬One Vibe Media I am fascinated by how the digital space can be used to connect minds and build community. ✈️One Vibe Experience Passionate about creating travels and adventures that reconnect us with the motherland. 🌲 Trees Are Medicine I love trees and I started Trees Are Medicine (TAM) to plant bamboo and other trees and allow youth to protect Lake Victoria. Over 10k 🌳 planted to date. 🎺Madaraka Festival Since 2014 Madaraka Festival brings Africa’s finest musicians and creatives together with world renowned artists and innovators for a celebration of music and civic purpose _______________________________________ Partnerships _______________________________________ 🎉 Curated Africa Day for the Gates Foundation in 2018 & 2019. In 2021, produced first 24hr Africa Day celebration on Clubhouse. 🎨 Curated Kijiji Night at Seattle Art Museum for six years. 🌍International development initiatives across Africa (Ghana, Malawi, South Sudan, Kenya, Liberia, Uganda, and Tanzania) Join the tribe. ⤵ DMs are open👇🏾