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In Kemet, the creator was known as NETER (God) and NETERU (God's) manifestations. “To be a ruler, therefore in the world, one can have no friends aside from self; and yet one must be a friend to All in order to do business. It is said that the Love of money or earthly power is the only incentive spurring man on to deeds of crime. Symbols hide the truth so completely that is almost beyond unveiling. The great discover this scared secrete man must go into the heart of his own tabernacle and into the recesses of his own soul. Nature however reveals her secrete to him who seek and knocks with honesty of purpose. As we walk among the fields of natures bowers we will discover that at certain behest of nature, man must bury his own dead body in Mother Earth. A beautiful symbol to teach us the lesson man must be ever ready to meet death but never court it. The human soul must master the three elements Earth, Water and Fire. He has than mastered one hundred and eighty degrees of the circle of infinity. He is now ready to be born into the circle of light and take his place among the selected ones. The heart is a emblem of Divine Love, he who would rule the world through Divine Love must, indeed, be willing to lay down his life under all circumstances before sacrificing his honor. He not only gives Love but takes it away, and he who do these things is truly Divine. He recognizes the Christ within himself and knows that he is the Architect of his own living temple. He is conscious of his sonship of God and of his at-one-ment with his creator. He knows, He is God. The human soul is Divine and must have perfect expression. To attain this it must be buried in the elements of nature where, by experience, it overcomes the dogs of lust and passion and finally masters the dangers of darkness. Then it is free to wing its flight or come forth as the bloom from the barren stem no longer bound by the Laws of matter; a perfect soul, grown in power, ready for the spiritual bride or the sacred trust of self generation. To be able to regenerate one's self at will, this constitutes wisdom , hence a wise man has power over material conditions and prepares for himself a bride which is his spiritual nature.”