AviYah Tiffanie
Pronounced 🗣Ahh (like 🐙)-Vee-Yah… but u can just call me Tiff. 🧞♀️ Iaineeendonuffin™️© “You’re weak, lame, and goofy af”—Goka “I’m workin bitch!” — JoJo “Shut yo big lip ass up bitch” — JoJo “N!66@, you was gone let me fu— anyway!!” —- SMOOTS “I couldn’t even came” —- Aaron 🚧Under Construction Always🚧 👂🏾 listening first 💭 thinking about everything ❓ questioning everything 💭 thinking again 🗣 now I’m speaking… ✳️The Sexy Cigar Lounge ✳️The Mirrored Room ♊️ ☀️, ♒️ ⬆️, ♈️ 🌙. June 12… The Creator sent a messenger forth, to bring a different perspective and challenge the way we think. Find the thing you can do, with or without money, that fulfills you and serves others. That is your purpose. Make it your passion. 💪🏾 “…orchestrated by a small group of cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men who have subverted the power of the People and usurped for themselves the reins of government. They have put in the place of the delegated will of the nation the will of a small but artful and enterprising minority to make the public administration the mirror of their ill-concerted and incongruous projects of faction, rather than the organ of consistent and wholesome plans digested by common counsels and modified by mutual interests.”—George Washington I don’t identify as black however I do identify with their struggle and need for change within their communities. 🇲🇦 🖤