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Anoop Gangadharan




Marketer storyteller cricketer, here as a seeker.  East, west and in between. Fluent English, hilarious Russian, beetje Nederlands, touch of arabic, Embarrassing hindi and native malayalam. I'm a marketing romantic trying to bring soul into the B2B world. I love the challenge and it isnt easy. What is easy though is getting lost in the pursuit of short term goals amid the explosions of channels, tools, metrics for content and campaign performance.  Between being born 🇮🇳 and becoming 🇳🇱, I grew up in 🇦🇪 and lived in 🇬🇧 and 🇸🇬 spending a decade in ICT consulting and marketing before moving to 🇨🇭. As AI and Machine learning continue to outclass human cognition, I believe our ability to connect with people will matter more than ever before - whether it's through stories conversations or shared experiences. And so I look for math, magic and meaning in what I do. When I'm not I'm either cricketing, beaching or playing with my 2 yr old girl.