I Am A Publicist & Brand Manager. I Own Two Agencies. I Am A Wordsmith. I Create Conversations. I Connect People. NFT PROJECT W/ ORIGIN PROTOCOL COMING SOON!!!! Talent Management | Partnerships | PR THE HERRINGBONE AGENCY LA | NYC AMPLIFIED STUDIO NY | LA | MIAMI ME & THE GAME OWN A CLUB: THE ARCADE 🕹 Featuring: ✳️The Game and GiGi w/ @thegame & @gedohne @thegameandgigi (IG/Twitter) ✳️Sunday School w/ The Arcade Tribe ✳️A Conversation w/ @foxandrob @foxandrob (IG/Twitter) ✳️Vagina Time w/ @vanessatafur, @msheathernikole & @gedohne ✳️The Homeroom w/ @meekjames ✳️Life On Marz w/ @nikkimarz ✳️Official Prank Room w/ Da Bad Baby, Waldo & Skinny Da Pimp ✳️The Vibe Room 🎶 w/ @frenchy Vernacular: VeggieBack, Queen, King, Teachable Moments ✳️Higher Elevation w/ @shaggysnacks, @leauxsteez & @thegame #heistgang Cashapp: $nikkimarz