Shawn Smith
Neurodivergent (Autistic and ADHD) Psychotherapist, Consultant and founder of Don’t dis-my-ability®, a multifaceted company that utilizes my unique gifts that come by way of being a uniquely gifted and neurodivergent. Undiagnosed gpa: 2.3 BA Diagnosed gpa: 3.8 M.Ed. 🇨🇦 Awards: -Startup Canada National Resilient Entrepreneur Award 2017 Guest Lecturer: -University of Miami 2018 -University of Connecticut 2021 Advisory Board Member: -University of Connecticut Include Project Official Contributor: -Different Brains -The Mighty My Quotes: “No one ever said being awesome would be easy. There is an emotional toll we pay for operating at the level we do.” “The difference between thinking and knowing is experience!” “Rather than be defined by a label, I choose to challenge the boundaries of its perceived limitations.” “If we need to teach our kids about inclusion it means we’ve already taught them how to exclude.” “If the goal of inclusion is for students with disabilities to be more like students without disabilities, this is assimilation - not inclusion.” “Having ADHD doesn’t make me a procrastinator, it means I can provide superior results in a fraction of the time others require.”