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Brecht 1976 In Praise of Doubt Praised be doubt ! I advise you to greet Cheerfully and with respect the man Who tests your word like a bad penny I would like you to be wise and not to give Your word with too much assurance. Read history and see The headlong flight of invincible armies Wherever you look Impregnable strongholds collapse and Even if the Armada was innumerable as it left port The returning ships Could be numbered By CM Lorkowski The burden of proof is a dialectical strategy that is used to identify who is responsible for providing further evidence to support their position. If the debate ends today with no more evidence or argument, the position that has the burden of proof should be rejected in favour of the opposing side. So both sides should provide more arguments or evidences before their position may be accepted. 兒時喜愛的歌曲 動力信望愛 我站到街中聽鬧市聲音,我望見艱辛顛沛眾生。 我立志服務這大片人群,要讓這動力燃亮愛心。 我願意關心軟弱與灰心,要用我雙手鼓舞信心。 我願以毅力化做我能源,晝夜去傳送信望愛! 我願帶歡欣遍鬧市穿梭,我願見光采閃閃眼睛。 我立志服務,那懼怕疲勞,鍛鍊我耐力承受壓逼。 要越過唏噓、要突破孤單、要踏碎傷心、抵抗困逼。 我願以毅力化做我能源,晝夜去傳送信望愛! 光陰匆匆多少機會身邊經過, 誰能伸手獻出關懷不再退避? 只要你與我同往,不怕冷笑與迷惘, 願降卑,效法基督,一生辛勤,獻信望愛!