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Natsuyo Lipschutz




🎤Cross-Cultural Communications Speaker 📈Strategy Consultant 📚Author 💃🏻Ballroom Latin Dancer 💪Cancer Survivor 👩‍👧Proud Mom 🍰Cake Queen 🌏 Japanese English Bilingual Bicultural 📍New York City 🌐🇺🇸 🌐🇯🇵 🌐🇺🇸🇯🇵 Japanese native, New Yorker at heart. Through my keynote, corporate training, and private coaching, I help global leaders: 🔅effectively communicate beyond differences 🔅leverage cultural diversity and facilitate your global team for improved productivity 🔅present with authenticity and power, and captivate your global audience 🎙To book me for your next event, or to read useful articles on presentation skills, cross-cultural communication skills, storytelling skills, logical thinking skills, and leadership skills, visit my website. 🌐 💻Enroll in “The Art of Persuasive Speaking in Global Business” E-learning Program 🌐 ✅Only self-guided online program that combines cross-cultural communication skills, logical thinking method, and storytelling techniques. ✅Get your messages HEARD and ACTED UPON. ✅Become more authentic, meaningful and powerful even in the eyes of the global audience. NY在住26年、戦略コンサルタント、プロフェッショナルスピーカー、プレゼンコーチです。 著書には下記の三冊がありますが、20字に削ぎ落とせ、は韓国版、台湾版も刊行‼️ 📚「20字に削ぎ落とせ ワンビッグメッセージで相手を動かす」(朝日新聞出版社) 📚「ストーリーに落とし込め 世界のエリートは自分のことばで相手を動かす」(フォレスト出版) 📚「The Success Blueprint」(Co-authored with Brian Tracy, Celebrity Press) パーソナルには、競技ラテンダンスのプロアマ選手、乳がんサバイバー、小学生女児の母です。何よりもケーキ大好き。ケーキにはか・な・りのこだわりが(笑)。