Yonas Woldu
Liberate Eritreans Now! End #TigrayGenocide Now! “To expose your adversary, be a bridge to peace, love, forgiveness, mercy, justice, accountability, and understanding” #evacuaterefugeesfromlibya #helphealvictims #FreeEritreans #Ethiopia #Libya #Somalia #pregnantrefugees #saveeritreanrefugees TARGET ORGANIZATIONS @IOM_USRAP @ICNARelief @IRC @AU @HIASrefugees @WorldRelief @RESCUEorg @RSF_inter @USCRI TARGET FIGURES @lorenzo_tondo @andersoncooper Stock Investor | Realtor | Commercial Broker | Policy Activist | Empowerment Consulting CEO www.ReclaimEritrea.com www.baytoyiaklusa.org www.EriSat.com Eritrean Political Forces (26 political parties) Bayto Yiakl Team Freedom Global Yiakl Movement