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Equatoria revolution attempt to achieve fundamental and relatively sudden change to become Independent State When people started to become silent in things that matter to them, they ended up dying in silence, not knowing what's neutralises their lives.If we keep silence today, we will extinct tomorrow. "Retaliation never build states, but tolerance build states." The South Sudanese Revolution, like the first Revolution before it, was in large part inspired by the Enlightenment. Sometimes referred to as the Age of Reason to challenge the government and inspired revolutionary ideas to free Equatorians under anarchism and occupation regime in Equatoria land. Give freedom to oppressed Equatorians to thank you and to establish their own independence State. Absent of freedom give Equatorians opportunity to form their State for themselves and ask for accountability. The founder of the South Sudan libertarian people's party(LPP) believed in freedom of autonomy and political freedom, emphasizing free association, freedom of choice, individualism, voluntary association, and people's voices represented When the government fails to provide freedom and protection of the natural rights to citizens in a country, then people have the right to overthrow the government