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World Scholar TM




>>>>>>>>>>>>email:[email protected]>>>> Cash app $worldscholar369. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Effective 01/23/2023 no longer extending 24 hours for consultations. Please address me as Asantewa or World Scholars. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Don’t address me as SISTER, Auntie, MOTHER, or Friend. I conduct business. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Don’t call me unless your are donating $1000 for consultation and/or $5000 for paperwork. Donations are not refundable but they are tax deductible. If your calling to repent you must tithe. This is actual Metaverse Church. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> please read Asantewa TM profile Bio My people will parish for listening to scammers. Please don’t come looking for me after you have been played. DONT ASK ME NO QUESTIONS WITHOUT A DONATION. If you have connections with anyone who has a problem with me you are removed from any and all study groups. I don’t clean up after any of these fake leaders. If you are learning from these type of people on a regular basis I don’t want to be involved with you. Stay on that side of the fence. I do delete, ignore, block and remove to protect myself and brands. Once you choose violence you will be violated. PERIOD . Men don’t govern my spaces and I’m not here to satisfy your appetite. Mind your business. Respect ✊🏿 is respected. If people aren’t explaining the process then it’s your responsibility to research and find out. Don’t come in my spaces when they leave you confused. Don’t ask me to talk for you, vouch for you or represent you in any of your business unless there is SIGNED PAPERWORK STATING I HAVE A OBLIGATION or duty to defend you. Notice to agent Is notice to principal Notice to principal is notice to agent and all with a clubhouse account all with arms and legs, arm and legs, leg and arms, no legs no arms, arms no legs, legs no arms. Transgender, binary and non-binary, male, female, wombman, man from a womb aliens, foreign and U.S. Nationals. Kings and Queens, Jews and Gentiles, Isrraelites, All tribes of Judah. All Indians, All Black people, all white people, All white people who identify as black. All black people who Identify as white. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Updated and Revised May 9th, 2024 UCC 1-308 <<<NO AUTHORIZATION TO RECORD ON ANY PLATFORM, OFFER TO PURCHASE STOCK AVAILABLE AT REQUEST AND APPLICATION. Peace and wholeness 🙌🏾🧘🏿‍♀️👑