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Naama O. Pozniak




🏝Miami2021 @NFTs.Tips🏝 🧿Leading In The New Now🧿 🔐girl Transformative Collector 🕉 Inspire/teach meditation 😴 Decolonizing Wellness ✈️ Traveler 🩸Tikun Olam 👩‍💼 Creative 🏦 Conscious Investment 🚨 Collector 👩‍👧‍👦 Proud Ima 🏀Lakers forever 🎼Shlomo Artzi ☕️ Snob 🙏🏼 Positive global HealthCare Influencer / Insurance / Intelligent SelfCare 🎗 Real connections / 🙏🏼Collaboration 🙏🏼Inspiration 🙏🏼Innovation Founder/CEO Paz Holding, Inc Naama Studio LetZgetPhygital ♟Board member 🪑HUPAC LAAHU 🪑 Region 8 Media 🚊 Associate publisher - Cal Broker Magazine 🎙 RugRadio DAO Council 🏆 2020 Los Angeles Business Journal 2019 Wellness Advisor of the year 2018 NAHU Distinguished Service 2016/2017 Most Influential Women in Benefit Advising ⚕️Healthcare Strategic Innovator/investor 🙇🏼‍♀️ Multipreneur 👯‍♀️Fem Sista 🖼 NFTs 🕉 Meditation influencer (PSM) 🥗 Ayurveda * Mind * Body * Spirit 🧬 LOVE 💭 Seeker 👩‍🎨 Zen Artist 🎶 Jazz/Kirtan/Rock&Roll/Heavy/Rap 🎼Classic/HipHop/ 💃Ballet 👁 Vision 👩‍🎓 Forever 🖋 Fashionista 📖 Author ✍️ Meta compassionate us. Open heart, Leadership in the ‘New Now’ ♥️ •Reducing Healthcare Expenses 💵↘️ •Employee Benefits 👩🏼‍💻 • Medicare solutions 👵👴 65> • Private Health 👧🧒👦< 65 •CoveredCA Store Front •Travel / global health insurance 🧭 •Speaker 🗣/ finding my voice •My opinions are yours 💭 🔝 Addicted to happiness love Life Human kindness compassion Inclusion Empathy DM 🔻