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Lorraine Wade




I Speak Only If It Improves Silence Music Moves Me Reading Soothes Me. Traveling Excites Me Guyana 🇬🇾 Raised New York 🇺🇸 Embraced. I love all things Caribbean Trinidad🇹🇹 Guyana 🇬🇾 Botswana🇧🇼 Caribbean History /Black History Fun fact My family tree goes back to Ghana 🇬🇭 earliest recorded date 1850. President of A Volunteer Club Kemetic Yoga Plants Lionism Netball . Girl Guide Vegan-Ish ... it’s a work in progress I once worked in Export Shipping and Logistics. I Sing 🎤 🎶 off key 🔑 Airline Industry Flight ✈️ Attendant Currently a LEO