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Trevor GrandPre




Scientist (Physics PhD ‘21 Berkeley) 🔬📚• Science communicator 🎤 • Sci-fi buff🚀 • coder 💻 •Princeton Postdoc Fellow ‘21 Join the club I started “Physics of Living Things”. I am also the host of the “Ask a Scientist” panel on Thursdays at 5pm PDT via the Small Steps and Gian Leap club. NEXT: Postdoc Fellow at the Princeton University Center for the Physics of Biological Function (CPBF) also a Schmidt Science Fellow. My research focuses on biophysics. I have peer reviewed papers in bacterial population growth, swarming in active matter such as schools of fish, and self assembly of active materials with energy dissipation. I’m an expert in statistical mechanics, the physics of many body systems, and simulation techniques especially related to dynamics. I am also proficient in many areas of physics and biology. My publication record is available on google scholar. Additionally, this summer I hosted and taught in a summer series course on COVID-19 to high school students in the Oakland, CA area. Within this course I taught students about exponential growth of the virus spread. Looking to chat with people from all professions on art, science, sci-fi, outreach, philosophy, history, and black studies. My personal website is here: