Noble Drew
Peace My Cosmic Family Ascending=Sagittarius in the week of Prophecy. Sun=Capricorn in the week of the Ruler. Moon=Virgo Esoteric Exaltation (Thoth) principle. In the week of the Enigma. Here now ye spirits of the fire,of water, Earth and air. Meaning calling to order fire,water ,Earth,air. As well as those astrological signs. 2.)Yeah must suffer trials and temptation manifold;but let him know that cheribum and seraphim that rule the stations of the sun and spirit of the mighty Allah who rule the solar stars are his protectors and his guide they will lead you to victory. Meaning the Most high is delagating us orders to follow the Sun,Moon,and Stars leading us to victory. Following our astrology can never steer us wrong. By: Noble Drew Ali (Capricorn) *(7) About me: Astrologer Study under the Guidance of the Most High of all things in Creation, and the world you can’t see. Studied Political Science from local to Empirical levels Studied majority Religion and Spiritual theological concepts. Constitutional-Monarch of the Kingdom-of-Heaven: Royal Council of the Cosmos. Astrological Based Government which is speculative moving towards operative. Owner of Muurcoin and other Assets which is connected to The Kingdom-of-Heaven: Royal Council of the Cosmos: Department of the Treasury. Delegated to The High Leveled Taurus. One the 24 elders for Cosmic Government Operations and future progress. Owner of Learning Agencies directed by Facilitators of the Kingdom of Heaven: Cosmic University. I bring my gifts to help add on to the Cosmic whole.