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Mushtaq Rehman




Transforming businesses, changing lives. Sharing wisdom on how to: 🌟Transform mindset and business, ✅ Develop business strategies and plans, 🔮Deliver impactful presentations, 💬 Communicate effectively, 💡 Change culture and behaviors, 🔥 Digital transformation, 💰 Manage personal and business finances, 💵 Save more money, pay less tax, ❤️ Live life with passion, purpose, love, gratitude and fulfillment. 🌟Change and Transformation Specialist, 💹 Business and Life Coach, 💴 Management and Tax Accountant. 💡 NLP master practitioner, 🏠 Property investor Trained by the very best in their fields like Tony Robbins and others. 🇬🇧 [email protected]
