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🏡☔️Seattle, WA living 💘 but Vegas is always home ✳️ My Club: People, Ops and Culture for those in the nonprofit,Labor, Social and Racial justice spaces. ✳️ Co-Founder: Black LinkedIn is Thriving Club 🇧🇿1st generation Belizean “Yuh aarite?” 👸🏽❤️Relationship status: Single & healed for a Black, Bearded and Blessed man 📢Activist and advocate for employees and workers in my community 👉🏾20+ years: Labor/ Social and Racial Justice contributor to the Ops, People, Culture and staff engagement space ✊🏾. 👩🏾‍🏫Educator 🌟Coach 🎬Model 🎙Spotify Podcast: Luscious Honey 🎨Creative passions include makeup artistry, jewelry designer and curating culture & wellness strategies 🙏🏾📿I practice & encourage self wellness & advocate of protecting your peace 🧘🏾‍♂️ . LinkedIn: 🙌🏾