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Mary Graham




Cash App: $MaryGMotivates 🖤 Beloved Child of GOD - Mother - Daughter - Businesswoman - Entrepreneur - 🌱Owner of Online CBD Dispensary 👩🏽‍💼Founding Member of the 1st Female, African American Owned CBD/Cannabis Organization in the Midwest I possess 25+ years of managerial experience, 21+ years working at a top Fortune 100 company. 👩🏾‍🎓 My Mother encouraged all of her children to pursue advanced education… the power of education and learning. As a result of the seeds my Mother planted, I was inducted into the Golden Key International Honour Society and the National Society of Collegiate Scholars. ❤️ My desire and passion has always been to inspire, motivate, uplift and encourage others. My friends and coworkers consider me a multiplier, an advocate and a valuable professional resource. ♥️ My heart’s desire is to RE-present GOD, my FATHER, well!!! I want my life to glorify JESUS and make my DADDY smile and sing over me! 🎤 🎶 [email protected]
