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Marcia Thompson




If you pronounce it wrong, I won’t be offended. This is what I encounter on a regular basis. “Is it pronounced Mar-see-ah?” Nope! It’s pronounced Marsha. “Why do you pronounce it like that? I have friends who spell their name like yours and they are all Mar-see-ah.” How do you spell Patricia? “P-a-t-r-i-c-i-a.” Do you say Patri-seeah? 🤔😂🤣 ***************************************** “Marcia, Marcia, Marcia”….yep, I hear this all the time…I’m cool with it after all these years. But who am I? I am a woman perfectly imperfect (Psalms 139:14). A woman who is going, growing, and glowing on a daily basis! ✝️ Christ died for me; therefore, I live for Him 👶🏽 Mother to one….my egg laying days are over 😂🤣😂🤣 👩🏾‍💻 Work in Network Engineering 🥗 Food lover 😋 📸 Photography enthusiast/hobbyist 🚙 Travel enthusiast