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Tameka McKneely




Multi-Passionate | Business Compliance Consultant Unashamed God Girl 🙏 Being the change I want to see 👀 I help Entrepreneurs create rock solid & compliant business foundations protecting them from fines, penalties, damaged reputations and business disruptions. I am here to change the current culture of Compliance from reactive to proactive and to start the conversations so we can clearly create competitive edges in our businesses all while avoiding common compliance mistakes. In order to be treated like a business you MUST look like a business. This is much more than just having an LLC and an EIN. While others help you make 6 to 7 figures💰, I help you KEEP 6 to 7 figures💰💰 in your business by protecting your business from fines💸, penalties, a damaged reputation and business disruptions. It’s not about how much 💵 you make, it’s about how much 💰 you KEEP. Join me for a weekly clubhouse room in the 'Look Like a Business' Club on Every Thursday at 6pm CST where I give small business compliance tips you can use in your business. Grab your free 🎁 at and learn more about how to create a rock solid business foundation ensuring your business can thrive and not just survive. Check out all my ventures ✈️ at: 📩 email me at [email protected] or Cash App: $got2bcre8tv