Rashida Potts
Just know I paid for this Anointing! *Pastor of Atlas Global Ministries, Mother of 4, Grandmother of 1 little Gorgeous baby girl named ROYALTY! I'm From Fayetteville NC. Prophetess to the Nation, Business Owner, CEO of Salon Glow by Rashida LLC, COO of Glow Head Inc. Hair care line of products! multicultural full service salon ! CE Educator, Author of IN HER SHOES WORKBOOK COLLECTION. walking in a NO judgment zone! Cashapp. $LadyRSP $AtlasGM ☆TEACHER ☆PROPHETESS ☆MASTER/CELEBRITY HAIR PROFESSIONAL ☆ATLAS GLOBAL ☆WORLD REVIVAL SPEAKER ✈️TRAVEL WWW.GLOWHEAD.BIZ