I’m a Norwegian and live in Vienna (Austria) 🇦🇹🇳🇴 I’m a Muslim Revert alhamdoulilah. I’m a Barista and love coffee ☕️ I’m coffee blogger. My interests is fishing, politics, football and camping in woods. Don’t give up hope inshallah “Indeed after hardship comes ease” The holy Quran 94:6 I Speak Norwegian, English, German, little Arabic and little Somali. I love all the cultures and languages. I have a special love for Yemen, Falestine, Sudan, Somalia,🇸🇴and djibouti🇩🇯🇾🇪🇸🇩🇳🇴 This is my coffee tasting Instagram: https://instagram.com/coffeearound_world?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=