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Eiman Badwy




Writer & Entrepreneur, Business Development consultant 📈📊📉 International Foreign expansion Expert.🗺️🌎 Full-time learner💞 Full-time dreamer💞 Passionate.. adventurous ⬆️Life coach ACC.... Accredited certified coach , ITAD New-York🇺🇲 🔖MBA, International Business School of Switzerland🇨🇭 🔖CMA, AUC 🇺🇲 📝Content creator 🔖10+ years of experience in business development and consulting. 🔖7+ years of experience in international expansion and foreign market entry. 🔖5+ years of experience in digital marketing and social media strategy. 🔖3+ years of experience as a certified life coach, helping individuals reach their full potentials If you don't Do you, you'll never be ✅ Done💎🗝️💫🪄♥️ 💫⭐⭐⭐⭐THE SKY LOOKS BRIGHTER WITH MORE STARS IN IT⭐⭐⭐ 💫💫💫 IM MY 🎁 GIFT Lifetime learner.... I AM..a Beautiful spirit.. living in a temporary physical body🪄💞 ⭐Please🪄🪞Live by KINDNESS ❤️❤️❤️⭐ M&M are connected 💕💞 Its all about how you Manage your Mindeset... Cause at the End of the Day your personality, ♥️ creat your Person reality...💕💕 It's your enjoy it.. Creativity is the best risk you can enjoy taking Treat your soul with tenderness,your body with dignity,and treat your mind with respect... Practicing gratitude.... through each and every breath you take 💖.. cause it really worth it ❤️❤️❤️ Be yourself cause everyone else is taken You've gotta peek to peak ♥️♥️ The world is devastated between the Power of love...and the love of power .... And forgot about peace... So give this world a favor and Keep your spirit peaceful♥️♥️ My heart, soul, manners and values are my wealth profile 💎🪞 ROI.vs.COI🪞💎⭐🪞⭐ 💕🌷🌷 Always choose to be happy... cause happiness is a choice 🌷🌷💕 Remember 💌 Where the mind goes, the body follow💞💞💞 Shallow Conversations are for shallow people ✨💫GO DEEP✨💫♥️🪄 💕Change is inevitable. Progress is optional.💕 ROI.vs.COI🪞💎⭐🪞⭐ يجب أن أعترف ؛ أنا من الأشخاص الإستثنائيين... و ربما الذين لا يطاقون فى نهاية الأمر ..... أنا ممن يشعرون أكثر مما ينبغى ، ويفكرون أكثر مما يلزم الذين يحتاجون لكلمات معينة يسمعونها ، وأن لا كلمات ولا تصرفات تدهشهم غير تلك التى استبقوها فى مخيلتهم.. من تلك الفئة الملولة التى ترفض الأشياء المكررة.... المقرر والمكرر.. والمفروض أرفض الكلمات المعادة، والوجوه المتشابهة.... يبدو أن... هنا شخص أيقن أن العزلة....عز له. #اعترافات #ذات_عزله #monybadwy.