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Monk Coleman




My journey from poverty, alcoholism, and dysfunctional relationships came with the ultimate price to pay-my entire life as I knew it. In order to create something new-the past must be healed and then released. In the darkest moments of my life I found a way to connect to that ever present light. In doing that I realized the transformative power of stillness and that everything I needed and everything I have become was always there patiently waiting for me. Namaste 📖 Author of “Love Over Fear: A Guide To Peace And Purpose” ( Amazon 5🌟)Public Speaker-Transformational Coach- Meditation instructor-3x natural pro physique bodybuilder-personal trainer-Professional Spreader of Love 🙏🏽 💜 Self Love (Be Kind) “Be kind and act out of love. Hold yourself with the same loving kindness that you would give your most beloved connection. We’re all doing the best we can.” “Love Over Fear: A Guide To Peace And Purpose” ☀️One thing I know is LOVE is the answer no matter the question. ☀️I believe we are here for self realization and to understand the ONENESS of it all. ☀️I believe that lack of knowledge of self creates an inner conflict. And this is why we struggle. We are not aligned. Swimming upstream is exhausting. ☀️I believe we are ALL lightworkers just some of us don’t realize it yet. ☀️I believe it’s not about becoming your highest version of yourself, but letting go of everything that’s not you and revealing the highest version of yourself that has always been present.