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Monic Putri




I am a Health Planner and Seller of Electrical and Non-Electrical Appliances. As a Health Planner, I help you plan which air purifier and water purifier type that you will need for your healthy zone. As a Seller, I sell - Bosch Power Tools products, - Gestar Hand Tools and - Non-Electrical Appliances through online market places, emails and Whatsapp. I sell those appliances because the company i worked for wants to distribute good quality products that needed by industrial, shops and home users. Hopefully the country that i live and born in will have good quality goods available for building a better life. ________________________________ 🇮🇩 Glad to have new friends Longing to travelling and love nature Love music, kpop, western pop Longing to learn Korean and refreshing English conversation Looking for information about How to be a Songwriter and Singer