Molly Mahoney
Value Video Intro Template: *Present the problem *Announce that you will be sharing a clear solution *Ask for engagement and hint at the call to action by asking them to comment below for access *Introduce yourself in a way that gets your brand and value across clearly with your value statement. Kickstart: Coaching program: #SpeakYourKind #stand4joy 🎥 Live Video, 💕Organic Social Media Marketing, & 🤖ChatBot Strategist 🎤Host: & ManyChat 🌟Founder: The Prepared Performer®, CameraConfidence®, GLAM: Go Live And Monetize® 🎼 Jazz Singer, Musical Story Teller & Advocate for the Arts 💜BoyMom💜BassistWife #stand4joy #mollSTARS #speakyourkind Fiercely committed to Standing for Joy. We help experts and entrepreneurs to grow and monetize their visibility using live video and organic social systems so they can turn their message into a revenue generating movement without losing their minds. DM me with “tellme” for a secret message. Find your Video Creator Type at www. 💻For notes from our Live Video Rooms go to Ultimate Guide For Content Repurposing ⭐️🎥💎Test my “show notes” bot. Go to and comment with the word introvideo (all one word) 😲 300k Month without a big launch: 💎💎💎 GroupTrackCRM: go get it —> ⭐️Video Content Planner: 🌟Strategic Support: As founder of The Prepared Performer, I'm a growth strategist who specializes in creating authentic connections using Live Video, Organic Social, and Chatbots to create deeper human connections, empathy, and joy. After creating a video that reached one million people organically, I developed my signature “Go Live And Monetize” method. It combines my social media expertise, talent for scaling one-on-one relationships, and twenty years of performance experience on stages from New York to Las Vegas. I’m the host of “Camera Confidence Live” for Be.Live, I have been a speaker at Social Media Marketing World, Traffic & Conversion Summit, and have been featured in Inc magazine, Forbes, and more. When I’m not helping my clients attract a flood of leads, you can find me singing jazz with my bass-playing husband or teaching my kids to #stand4joy from our home in California. 70929