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Maha Ebi Limon




🇰🇷So powerful is the light of unity that it can illuminate the whole earth. World Citizen العالم وطني I love my Panda 🐼 انْظُرْ إِلَى الإِنْسَانِ بِمَثَابَةِ مَعْدِنٍ يَحْوِي أَحْجَارًا كَرِيمَةً تَخْرُجُ بِالتَّرْبِيَةِ جَوَاهِرُهُ إِلَى عَرْصَةِ الشُّهُودِ وَيَنْتَفِعُ بِهَا الْعَالَمُ الإِنْسَانِيُّ. 💙 كُلّكم أثمارُ شجرةٍ واحدةٍ وأوراقُ غصنٍ واحد. 💙 When religion, shorn of its superstitions, traditions, and unintelligent dogmas, shows its conformity with science, then will there be a great unifying, cleansing force in the world which will sweep before it all wars, disagreements, discords and struggles -- and then will mankind be united in the power of the Love of God. 💙 A divine Mine only can yield the gems of divine knowledge, and the fragrance of the mystic Flower can be inhaled only in the ideal Garden, and the lilies of ancient wisdom can blossom nowhere except in the city of a stainless heart. "In a rich soil, its plants spring forth abundantly by permission of its Lord, and in that soil which is bad, they spring forth but scantily." 💙