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Chandra Mudumba




Aller Anfang ist schwer! Un autre jour en pensant à toi mais le temps passe. 🇺🇸 Mantra: Take it easy, relax, stay calm, focused and sleep well. On the work front: A product manager in AI, machine learning and recommendation systems. Open to volunteer Comedy: Member of facial recognition comedy. Where am I from: From Austin Texas. After the age of 2 lived in India. An overseas citizen of India. I love learning languages. Passion: Comedy, a day with laughter, is always filled with productivity, gratitude and fulfillment. Wellness, Mindfulness, Meditation, Communicator, motivator, Mentor and life long learner. An avid inculcator of mindfulness and wellbeing by practicing meditation everyday! Traveling: Adore the joys of being one with nature. Have a keen eye to uncover scenic nature’s landscapes at most unforeseen places. [email protected]