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MissNatasha Connects




Autistically Me MissNatasha here, I hope that you are doing well. I am a Mental Wellness Creative and disability Advocate, Author/Speaker. I also happen to be Authentically Autistic among other wonderful things 🍓 NatashaConnects focus (M.E.E.F) Mental Wellness within Education, Employment and Family NatashaConnects assist organizations to rebuild bits of mental peace into the lives of the individuals they serve NatashaConnects is about Community & Connection, it’s our JAM 🍓 🤓 I know some things NatashaConnects supports the cultivation of optimism and resilience through speaking engagements, group facilitation and books @createdon’thate @natashaconnects Sayings we live by: 🌍Create Don’t Hate 🌏You Can only be you! 📖 Exceptionally You, children’s book about being exceptionally you and being happy in your own skin. Loving who you are. Find the book on Amazon or place order 📩
